What's the HOT Local Links?

Stuff ! Here are some fun   links:

Cassopolis Public Schools
Frank Squires Elementary School
 Sam Adams Middle Elementary School
Ross Beatty Jr./Sr. High School
Infophils Cassopolis Alumni Registry
RBHS's Alumni Directory, Guestbook & Bulletin Board
at the American Alumni Directory
What's at the Cass District Library , for Kids and Grown-ups! 
or visit our Local History Branch Library
and the Michigan Electronic Library
Read all about it!  Michigan Newspapers links page, Elkhart Truth , and the South Bend Tribune
Warm up to MICHIGAN !
Southwest Michigan Tourist Council  - and -  West Michigan Tourist Association
Southwestern Michigan is Where the Fun Begins!
Events, lodging, dining, shopping, realty,  recreation, outdoor life, water sports, and a whole lot more !
Cass County HotLinks
The very COOLESTHOTSPOT around ! Hit the slopes! Swiss Valley Ski Area
Check out our current weather  or   radar , or weather anywhere in the US!
Click for Three Rivers, Michigan Forecast
The Edward Lowe Foundation --  Information and services for small business owners
Your source for local Internet Access at Beanstalk
Warm up to your PC, PC Tek can help!
PC TEK - Mitchell & Sue Mitchell
We create web sites, web page elements and graphics,
as well as upgrade, repair and build affordable PC's
Our focus has continued to be small, fact filled web pages
which are beautiful, effective, and low intensity. 
We still believe that there are a lot of people out there who 
would prefer not to wait 5 minutes for a page to load, so
wherever possible low bandwidth graphics are used,
which are better for anyone with a standard 28.8K modem
If you are interested in a website, we can produce a 
multipage site for as little as a hundred dollars
Email us for details if you are interested 
in promoting yourself or your business online, 
or are in need of any of our other computer services.

Warm up with some great  free recipes for salsas, dips, & chile peppers at Some Like It Hotter!

Heat Me Up - "hot as it gets" selection of hot sauces, info about peppers, monthly hot recipes

Need a laugh? Visit Kids' Corner - Jokes Page
Q: Why did the man put his money in the freezer? A: He wanted cold hard cash!
Play along with Hoot and Cat, 
has games, stories, comics, & puzzles and lots more fun!

Visit Snoopy for the hottest Peanuts comics and have a ball in the 
PEANUTS Game Gallery
*EBay Auctions*

Lildevil69 (by Sue)
Handcrafted Glasswork by Jeri

Stained ArtGlass
and other creations

Inspired by Web Diner Inc.

Come on back to this page soon and see whats New & HOT !

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